
Vorig nieuws...

PressDisplay on TabletPC and PC


PressDisplay.com combines the convenience of online access with an array of thoughtfully developed digital tools and the mobility of TabletPC. The result is an enhanced newspaper reading experience and the ability to browse world’s leading newspapers in their original format.

PressDisplay.com was designed explicitly with TabletPC users in mind. A stroke of a pen turns the pages on your screen, just as if you were reading a real newspaper.

You can read all 160 newspapers from 40 countries right on this site, also het Algemeendagblad en Nederlandsdagblad.
All newspapers are published online in their original form and layout.
Powerful tools for reading: magnifying lens, bookmarks, full text search, etc.

Read more

bron: www.pressdisplay.com

Sony's, Philips e-book LIBRIe

Philips, E Ink en Sony lanceren deze maand in Japan de elektronische boeken- en krantenlezer Librié. De teksten en afbeeldingen zijn scherper dan op een computermonitor, terwijl het scherm zelf nog geen millimeter dik is en zo groot als een boekenpagina. De tekst is. anders dan met lcd-schermen, vanuit elke hoek en ook bij schemer of fel daglicht goed te lezen. In de Librié kunnen honderden elektronische boeken of online kranten worden opgeslagen. Het beeldscherm is gebaseerd op elektronische inkttechnologie.

Sony's e-book LIBRIe 1000-EP zal ongeveer 376 dollar kosten bij de introductie in Japan op 24 april 2004. Volgens Philips is het nog onduidelijk wanneer de Europese introductie is. Het apparaat weegt 300 gram en heeft een beeld scherm van 15 cm. Men kan ongeveer 500 boeken, tijdschriften of kranten op slaan. Het apparaat beschikt daarnaast over een Memory Stick-uitbreidingsslot om meer boeken toe te voegen en een usb-aansluiting voor het downloaden van boeken vanaf een pc. Stroom wordt geleverd door vier alkaline-batterijen die voldoende zijn vooor 10.000 paginawisselingen. Het beeldscherm heeft een resolutie van 300 pixels per inch, dit is volgens Philips haarscherp, scherper dan een krant.

Lees Engelstalig perbericht e-ink


bron: Volkskrant 1 -4-2004

Sigma Book start Feb 20 2004

Matsushita Electric to Launch Sales of Foldable E-book
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co, Ltd announced on Jan 29 2004 that it will start selling an electronic book (e-book) called "Sigma Book" on Feb 20 2004 for 37,900 yen.
Sigma Book is an electronic book that was unveiled in April 2003. It comes with "SD-ePublish," a content protection function designed for SD memory cards. Matsushita Electric improved the software ahead of merchandising.

comics om the sigma book

Sigma book has two 7.2-in, 1,024 x 768 (XGA)-pixel memory LCD panels located side by side, and can be folded as if it were a real book. The display has 16 degrees of grayscale. The device measures 292mm x 205mm x 12.7mm when it is opened, and 154.5mm x 205mm x 25.4mm when it is folded. It weighs 520g without batteries


bron: http://www.japantimes.co.jp

Nieuw boek van Paul Biegel

Man en muis, het nieuwe boek van Paul Biegel ligt vanaf 15 september 2003 in de boekwinkel. Vanaf 15 augustus is er via deze website een leesproef van de eerste tien hoofdstukken te downloaden. 

Een luxe-muizen-leven dankzij internet
Oom Theodoor weigert hardnekkig het grote, mooie, dure, deftige HUIS uit te gaan. Hij is er geboren en hij wenst er te sterven. Moet hij daar dan alleen achterblijven, half doof, half blind in zijn rolstoel? Gelukkig niet: twee neefjes bedenken een slimme oplossing die oom in staat stelt het luxe leven dat hij gewend is, voort te zetten.
download hier hoofdstuk 1 tot 10!

Lees meer over: Man en Muis

Man en muis van P. Biegel


Sigma e-book 

Matsushita Electric Debuts Energy-Saving E-Book, Targets China 
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co, Ltd said it would introduce its proprietary electronic-book (e-book) called "sigma book" in the autumn of 2003 in Japan and possibly in China in the future. 
"sigma book" when opened 
The e-book can be folded as if it were a real book. When opened, its spread has two monochrome LCD panels side by side, and two AA-size batteries in the hinge to allow the e-book to run for three to six months. read more

Sigma e-book werkt 3 to 6 maanden op een penlight batterij.

bron: http://www.sigmabook.jp/index2.html (japanse site)

Gemstar sluit eBook divisie

Gemstar gaat zijn eBook divisie sluiten. Dat betekent dat ze de verkoop van bestaande modellen (zoals het Rocket eBook en de RCA devices) stil leggen, er is binnenkort geen content meer te koop. Je kunt op hun site meer lezen over garanties etc. 
De conclusie is wel gerechtvaardigd dat het businessmodel wat Gemstar had, eigen eBook device samen met een eigen formaat gewoon niet heeft gewerkt. Op zich wel jammer, maar wel redelijk te voorspellen.

Rocket eBook fini

bron: www.ebook.nl

Mini Pc tussen Tabletpc en Pocketpc

Wie de Tabletpc te groot of te duur vind of de pocketpc te klein, kan nu gaan uitkijken naar een mini-pc.

Een volledige windows xp pc met vaak wi-fi en een mini- toetsenbordje.

 Er zijn diverse modellen in aantocht of beschikbaar: Sony Vaio U101, tiqit, oqo en de vulcan.


First Paper-Like Display Commercialization in 2004

Over the last two years, Philips and E Ink have made significant
progress on all fronts-from technology development to
manufacturing and design-in collaborations with leading OEMs. Philips plans full-scale commercialization of the world first high-resolution electronic ink-based display
modules in 2004. 

High-resolution electronic ink displays enable a new category
of hand-held devices that offer the user superb readability
and portability. Key target applications include electronic
readers and wireless information devices. This technology is
also well suited for more established applications such as
PDA's and mobile phones where electronic ink displays offer an attractive differentiation from existing display

Philips and E Ink are now finalizing the development of the
first generation display with our lead customer with
commercial launch planned for 2004. Philips and E Ink are
ready to launch new design-ins for fully custom display
modules for other customers to be commercialized in the
second half of next year.
The first generation electronic ink displays will be 2-bit gray
scale followed shortly by a 4-bit version. For next generation
displays, color and flexible electronic ink displays are also









e-book niet voor de massa 

Het elektronische boek (e-book) blijkt nog niet echt aan te slaan, behalve bij een zeer kleine groep liefhebbers. Minder dan vijf procent van de computergebruikers heeft wel eens een e-book gelezen, zo bleek tijdens de vakbeurs BookExpo America in Los Angeles. 

Een aantal jaren geleden was er nog sprake van een enorme hype rond e-books. Verschillende fabrikanten demonstreerden apparaten waarop elektronische boeken gelezen konden worden. Het merendeel daarvan is inmiddels verdwenen door de concurrentie van pda's als die van Palm. Slechts twee fabrikanten, Franklin en Gemstar, leveren nog e-book apparaten. Gemstar, de uitgever van de TV Guide, maakte echter gisteren bekend dat het zijn eBook divisie waarschijnlijk gaat sluiten of afstoten. Ook met de uitgaven zelf ging het niet goed. Horrorauteur Stephen King stopte in 2000 alweer vrij snel met de elektronische publicatie van zijn roman 'The Plant'. 
Toch is het e-book niet verdwenen. Amazon.com en Barnes & Noble zeggen elektronische boeken in 'redelijk oplages' te verkopen, hoewel concrete cijfers ontbreken. Volgens het Amerikaanse uitgevers verbond (AAP) bedraagt de totale omzet in de VS zo'n 3 miljoen dollar.

Inmiddels zijn er in elk geval zo'n 50.000 titels beschikbaar, waaronder Michael Crichton's 'Prey' (19.95 dollar) en Dan Brown's 'The Da Vinci Code' (12 dollar). Het populairste e-book bij Amazon.com is evenwel een handleiding voor Microsoft PowerPoint. Lees verder ...

bron: www.emerce.com


Afgelopen zaterdag 17 mei en zondag 18 mei was de roman Paaseiland, dé debuutroman van 2003, van de Amerikaanse Jennifer Vanderbes in zijn geheel
gratis te lezen zijn op internet.
Uitgeverij Archipel plaatst deze roman op internet, omdat zij overtuigd is van de kwaliteit van dit krachtige debuut en weet dat dit verhaal een groot lezerspubliek zal aanspreken. 

Het boek was te lezen zijn op www.boekboek.nl  de gemeenschappelijke website van de literaire uitgeverijen
van WPG-uitgevers. Paaseiland (nét verschenen in Engeland en Nederland) zal in de komende
periode in maar liefst 14 talen verschijnen in landen variërend van de Verenigde Staten tot Bosnië en van Brazilië tot Denemarken; er kan nú al gesproken worden van een wereldwijd succes!
(16-05-2003) (update 20-5-2002)

Microsoft E-Book kraken?

Het online-magazine "Pocket PC Addict" weet te melden dat het een programmeur is gelukt om de beveiliging op het Microsoft E-Book te kraken. De programmeur Dan Jackson heeft een klein dos-programma geschreven met de naam "Convert Lit" (clit.exe). Hiermee wordt het Digitalrights Management-systeem DRMS gedevalueerd naar DRM1. Volgens "Pocket PC Addict" is het dan heel eenvoudig om een E-Book te converteren naar HTML of gewone tekst.

Jackson heeft al laten weten dat er binnenkort een verbeterde en krachtigere versie van zijn programma zal komen. Ook is hij van plan om DLL-bestanden te schrijven zodat anderen zijn CLIT-converteerder in hun eigen E-book-toepassingen kunnen gebruiken.

Andere hackers hebben inmiddels al een interface voor Windows geprogrammeerd die het gebruik van de CLIT-converteerder sterk vereenvoudigd. De interface circuleert op het internet onder de opvallende naam cuntlits.exe.

eBooks in Bibliotheek TU Delft

De Bibliotheek van de Technische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft) heeft sinds een paar maanden als eerste universiteitsbibliotheek in Nederland digitale boeken in haar collectie opgenomen. Het betreft een pilot voor honderd technisch wetenschappelijke publicaties uit het aanbod van Netlibrary.

De eBooks zijn voor leden van de Delftse universitaire gemeenschap beschikbaar via de online catalogus van de Bibliotheek. Studenten en medewerkers van de TU Delft kunnen hiermee 24 uur per dag, 7 dagen per week eBooks 'lenen'. Als extra functionaliteiten is een woordenboek beschikbaar en de mogelijkheid tot het maken van digitale aantekeningen in de kantlijn. De eBooks zijn aangeschaft voor de periode van een jaar. Aan het einde van dat jaar beslist de Bibliotheek of zij deze eBooks voor onbepaalde tijd zal aankopen of niet.

Meer info De website van de Bibliotheek TU Delft
Datum 31/01/2003 Auteur Jorinde Schrijver (redactie EduSite) Bron SURF


Color electronic ink display


Color electronic ink display; developed jointly by E Ink, TOPPAN and Philips. This ultra-low power, reflective, image-stable color display is capable of displaying 4,096 colors and is being developed for multiple mobile applications such as PDAs, mobile communications devices and electronic readers. The display measures 5.0 inches diagonal with a resolution of 320 x RGB x 234 (80 pixels per inch (ppi)).

This color display was developed jointly by integrating technologies from all three parties - E Ink's electronic ink technology, a custom color filter array produced by TOPPAN and an active matrix backplane from Philips. This ultra-low power, reflective, image-stable color display is capable of displaying 4,096 colors and is being developed for multiple mobile applications such as PDAs, mobile communications devices and electronic readers. The display measures 5.0 inches diagonal with a resolution of 320 x RGB x 234 (80 pixels per inch (ppi)). As with all electronic ink displays, standard manufacturing technologies are used to produce the components including the TFT (thin film transistor) backplanes, IC drivers and color filter arrays. read more...  

News Center Philips: News 2002/07/01: E Ink, Toppan and Philips Demonstrate World’s First High Resolution, Active-Matrix Color Display with Electronic Ink

Source: http://www.eink.com/news/releases/pr62.html


yRead - yWriter

yRead will load a plain text (TXT) or HTML file and display it in a single-column, resizable window. There's nothing really magic about that (yBook does it better) but this program will read the file to you out loud, using human speech. You can even get voices for other languages (see the MSAgent link below) Use it to listen to ebooks, your own writings (with yWriter or any other piece of text.

Source: http://www.spacejock.com/


Welcome to alt.binaries.e-book and the other e-book* related groups!

ABEB is one of the world's largest electronic book evaluation, and preservation libraries and is dedicated to the preservation of e-books for everyone. In the interest of education, and to help those who might be new to the entire Usenet experience, the e-book community is bringing you these Frequently Asked Questions and guidelines for acceptable conduct within these groups, that is- within the e-book.* hierarchy. We wish to recognize the contributions of the members of ABEB to this constantly changing and evolving document.
Source: http://kickme.to/ebookfaq/

Lead an ebook.

With the new features in Adobe Content Server 3.0, you can lend and distribute Adobe PDF eBooks just like other materials in your collection. Checking in and checking out an eBook is as easy as clicking a mouse. Best of all, your patrons don't need to be connected to the Internet to enjoy their eBooks.
With Adobe® PDF eBooks, you get everything you would from a printed book with access anytime, anywhere. Photos, graphics, and typography appear just as the designer created them. And the highly secure Adobe Content Server software makes checking out eBooks from your library as simple as a few clicks. Once your patrons download an eBook, they don't even have to be online to read it. Thanks to Adobe eBooks, the doors to your library never have to close...learn more........
Source: http://librarydemo.adobe.com/library/default.asp

eBook Reader Optimized for the Tablet PC 

Microsoft Announces Version of eBook Reader Optimized for the Tablet PC 
Application Makes On-Screen Reading a Key Benefit for Tablet PC Users. NEW YORK -- June 25, 2002 -- Microsoft Corp. today announced Microsoft® Reader Tablet PC version 2.5, a new version of its popular electronic reading application that takes full advantage of the Tablet PC platform to make on-screen reading an integral part of the Tablet PC user experience. Reader 2.5 was announced and an early version demonstrated today at the TECHXNY trade show.

Building on core Microsoft technologies such as ClearType® display technology and Reader's ability to deliver an on-screen reading experience that approaches the convenience and quality of paper, Reader 2.5 is optimized for the Tablet PC and takes full advantage of its core design capabilities, reflected in the following features:
A large screen for increased readability 
Support for rich digital inking, making it easy to annotate, mark up and edit electronic books and documents 
Screen rotation between portrait and landscape modes for more natural, comfortable reading 
Pan and zoom capabilities for embedded graphics
read more........
Source: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/

International eBook Association

International eBook Association Launched in Europe
New Association Plans Continued Support for eBook Industry Microsoft Corp. announced the launch of the International eBook Association (IeBA), a new eBook organization based in Europe that will support the worldwide eBook community and promote the growing opportunities and promise of eBooks....read more....
Source: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/

E-Book Story Fails To Unfold

Some say it is the publishing industry's greatest work of fiction yet: the suggestion that anybody actually reads e-books.

They were billed as a hip alternative to paperbacks made of actual paper. But who has ever witnessed anyone relaxing with an e-book in a cafe or a commuter train?
Never mind the beach.
They were supposed to correct the injustices in the New York publishing world, enabling anyone to self-publish and attract their own audience in a Napster-like fashion. Read more...


Source: http://www.cbsnews.com

Russian And American Literature

Russian And American Literature In E-Book Format(Microsoft Reader)  
An site for russian and english learners (for russian).The site contains downloadable ebooks with build-in dictionaries for quick lookup.Easily one may learn the meaning of the word with one click. No extra software needed.
Ebooks are works of most famous great russian authors such as Chekhov, Gogol, Lermantov, Pushkin and american writer Jack London.All the content free of charge. 

Source: http://litex.angelcities.com

Kluwer eBook library

The Kluwer eBook library will contain over 400 recently published titles, grouped together by subject area, available individually for download  

Source: http://www.ebooks.kluweronline.com



Total Commander for PocketPC/Windows CE is now available. The pocket version is freeware!


A Windows CE device (NOT a PocketPC!) with Windows CE 2.x or newer.

Supported are Handheld PC, Handheld PC Pro, Handheld PC 2000 and PalmSizePC.

The supported processors are: MIPS, SH3, SH4, ARM, XSCALE

A Windows PC with installed ActiveSync 3.x

A version for the PocketPC is available separately

This program does NOT work on a Palm, Clié or Epoc system!



Hewlett Packard released two new models of its iPAQ handheld.


iPAQ 5450, a $699
HP's iPaq 5450 Pocket PC handheld, shipping this week, features both 802.11b wireless LAN (WLAN) and Bluetooth connectivity as standard, and also has a built-in fingerprint scanner for secure access to the device, as an alternative to users entering a PIN. The combination of integrated wireless communications and security will probably attract interest from firms wanting to support mobile staff.. 

HP iPAQ h1910, sells for $299. 
The h1910 includes great features like a clear display for easy viewing indoors and out, a weight of only 4.2 oz, SD memory slot, easy access buttons, removable /rechargeable battery, stereo earpiece for listening to favorite MP3 music files, and pocket versions of familiar applications like Microsoft Outlook, Word and Excel. 

read more


 Dell PDA to Launch November 18 2002

Dell has added info to their site confirming the release of their AXIM A5 that will be available for order on the 18th. No word as to a ship date.
Dell has been teasing the market with bits & pieces of information on its upcoming handheld. We now have a fairly solid date on when we can expect to see these PDAs Dell has been alluding to.  An official launch of November 18 should be expected, during this launch Dell will  reportedly take the wraps off an entry-level and high-end handheld, both with color screens and we know one of the devices will be named the Axim X5. read more .....

Source: http://www.bargainpda.com

Smartphone 2002

Microsoft's phone software ready to talk 

Microsoft  announced that its long-awaited Smartphone 2002 software is complete and said the first phones with the software will debut in Europe later this month. 
read more..

Source: http://news.com.com/

Orange unveils first Microsoft smartphone

The first Windows Powered Smartphone to hit the high street will be Orange's SPV, offering picture messaging and desktop connectivity. Orange hopes it will be a revenue booster, in the absence of 3G 
Orange on Tuesday unveiled the details of its upcoming smartphone, the SPV, which will be the first Microsoft-powered handset on the market when it arrives early next month. The handset aims to combine consumer-friendly features such as an attachable camera and multimedia messaging (MMS) with Windows software integration along the lines of Microsoft's Pocket PC handheld computers. Read more...


Color electronic ink display


Color electronic ink display; developed jointly by E Ink, TOPPAN and Philips. This ultra-low power, reflective, image-stable color display is capable of displaying 4,096 colors and is being developed for multiple mobile applications such as PDAs, mobile communications devices and electronic readers. The display measures 5.0 inches diagonal with a resolution of 320 x RGB x 234 (80 pixels per inch (ppi)).

This color display was developed jointly by integrating technologies from all three parties - E Ink's electronic ink technology, a custom color filter array produced by TOPPAN and an active matrix backplane from Philips. This ultra-low power, reflective, image-stable color display is capable of displaying 4,096 colors and is being developed for multiple mobile applications such as PDAs, mobile communications devices and electronic readers. The display measures 5.0 inches diagonal with a resolution of 320 x RGB x 234 (80 pixels per inch (ppi)). As with all electronic ink displays, standard manufacturing technologies are used to produce the components including the TFT (thin film transistor) backplanes, IC drivers and color filter arrays. read more...  

News Center Philips: News 2002/07/01: E Ink, Toppan and Philips Demonstrate World’s First High Resolution, Active-Matrix Color Display with Electronic Ink

Source: http://www.eink.com/news/releases/pr62.html

yRead - yWriter

yRead will load a plain text (TXT) or HTML file and display it in a single-column, resizable window. There's nothing really magic about that (yBook does it better) but this program will read the file to you out loud, using human speech. You can even get voices for other languages (see the MSAgent link below) Use it to listen to ebooks, your own writings (with yWriter or any other piece of text.

Source: http://www.spacejock.com/


Welcome to alt.binaries.e-book and the other e-book* related groups!

ABEB is one of the world's largest electronic book evaluation, and preservation libraries and is dedicated to the preservation of e-books for everyone. In the interest of education, and to help those who might be new to the entire Usenet experience, the e-book community is bringing you these Frequently Asked Questions and guidelines for acceptable conduct within these groups, that is- within the e-book.* hierarchy. We wish to recognize the contributions of the members of ABEB to this constantly changing and evolving document.
Source: http://kickme.to/ebookfaq/

Lead an ebook.

With the new features in Adobe Content Server 3.0, you can lend and distribute Adobe PDF eBooks just like other materials in your collection. Checking in and checking out an eBook is as easy as clicking a mouse. Best of all, your patrons don't need to be connected to the Internet to enjoy their eBooks.
With Adobe® PDF eBooks, you get everything you would from a printed book with access anytime, anywhere. Photos, graphics, and typography appear just as the designer created them. And the highly secure Adobe Content Server software makes checking out eBooks from your library as simple as a few clicks. Once your patrons download an eBook, they don't even have to be online to read it. Thanks to Adobe eBooks, the doors to your library never have to close...learn more........
Source: http://librarydemo.adobe.com/library/default.asp

Windows CE for Smart Displays.

Microsoft Unveils Windows CE for Smart Displays Naming

REDMOND, Wash. -- June 26, 2002 -- Microsoft Corp. today announced that "Mira," the code name for new software technologies that will power a wide range of smart displays that extend the Windows® XP experience to any room in the home, will officially be named Microsoft® Windows CE for Smart Displays. In addition, Microsoft announced that Windows CE for Smart Displays initially will include localized language support for English, French, German, Japanese and Korean. The first wave of these Windows Powered Smart Displays will be available this holiday season in North America and Asia; they are expected to be available for purchase in Europe in the first half of 2003. read more........
Source: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/

eBook Reader Optimized for the Tablet PC 

Microsoft Announces Version of eBook Reader Optimized for the Tablet PC 
Application Makes On-Screen Reading a Key Benefit for Tablet PC Users. NEW YORK -- June 25, 2002 -- Microsoft Corp. today announced Microsoft® Reader Tablet PC version 2.5, a new version of its popular electronic reading application that takes full advantage of the Tablet PC platform to make on-screen reading an integral part of the Tablet PC user experience. Reader 2.5 was announced and an early version demonstrated today at the TECHXNY trade show.

Building on core Microsoft technologies such as ClearType® display technology and Reader's ability to deliver an on-screen reading experience that approaches the convenience and quality of paper, Reader 2.5 is optimized for the Tablet PC and takes full advantage of its core design capabilities, reflected in the following features:
A large screen for increased readability 
Support for rich digital inking, making it easy to annotate, mark up and edit electronic books and documents 
Screen rotation between portrait and landscape modes for more natural, comfortable reading 
Pan and zoom capabilities for embedded graphics
read more........
Source: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/

International eBook Association

International eBook Association Launched in Europe
New Association Plans Continued Support for eBook Industry Microsoft Corp. announced the launch of the International eBook Association (IeBA), a new eBook organization based in Europe that will support the worldwide eBook community and promote the growing opportunities and promise of eBooks....read more....
Source: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/

E-Book Story Fails To Unfold

Some say it is the publishing industry's greatest work of fiction yet: the suggestion that anybody actually reads e-books.

They were billed as a hip alternative to paperbacks made of actual paper. But who has ever witnessed anyone relaxing with an e-book in a cafe or a commuter train?
Never mind the beach.
They were supposed to correct the injustices in the New York publishing world, enabling anyone to self-publish and attract their own audience in a Napster-like fashion. Read more...


Source: http://www.cbsnews.com

Russian And American Literature

Russian And American Literature In E-Book Format(Microsoft Reader)  
An site for russian and english learners (for russian).The site contains downloadable ebooks with build-in dictionaries for quick lookup.Easily one may learn the meaning of the word with one click. No extra software needed.
Ebooks are works of most famous great russian authors such as Chekhov, Gogol, Lermantov, Pushkin and american writer Jack London.All the content free of charge. 

Source: http://litex.angelcities.com

Kluwer eBook library

The Kluwer eBook library will contain over 400 recently published titles, grouped together by subject area, available individually for download  

Source: http://www.ebooks.kluweronline.com


The Compaq iPAQ shall from now on be known as the HP iPAQ Pocket PC. HP's Jornada line will be phased out. That was predictable, but bad news for Jornada owners who, in the Jornada 560 Series, finally had a world class Pocket PC device.

Things are getting a bit clearer on the iPAQ/Jornada front: the Jornada brand will be phased out this year as will the current 560 Series. An XScale-based successor, according to ZDNet, is said to have been cancelled. The fate of the Jornada 928 is uncertain but we expect a phone edition iPAQ this year. The 720 Series of H/PCs will likely stay and become part of the iPAQ line. The whole iPAQ group will be run out of Texas, and it looks like the days of the 3100/3600/3700 models are numbered. We wonder how all of this will impact HTC 

Source: http://pencomputing.com/

Microsoft unveils wireless strategies 

Microsoft on Tuesday announced several new efforts to bring wireless capabilities to devices using its operating systems in Cannes, France, at the 3GSM World Congress. 
Among the announcements are the software maker's plans to work with chipmakers Intel and Texas Instruments to develop reference designs for phones that will run its Windows Powered Smartphone 2002 operating system. A reference design is essentially a blueprint that helps manufacturers build devices faster and get them into the hands of consumers. 

In Microsoft and Intel's existing relationship in the PC industry, both companies are by far the market leaders in their respective industries.   read more...

Source: http://www.cnet.com






Info: Openbare Bibliotheek Oss